We buy or pawn just about anything at Neighborhood Pawn – just like on TV!
The only requirements are that you must be the legal owner (you may be asked to prove ownership), have a valid ID, and it must be in good working condition. We will gladly take in (pawn or buy) your fur or leather garments but we wouldn’t be interested in any other clothing. If you are looking for a list of the most wanted items here it is!!
- Tools
- Laptops
- Tablets
- Game systems
- Furs and leathers
- Sports memorabilia
- Flat screen televisions
- Musical instruments
- Glassware and silverware (sterling only)
- Louis Vuitton Purses and Luggage
- Quality watches
- JEWELRY! Not costume but real gold, silver and authentic natural gemstones.
If you have any questions please give us a call.
While you’re here, take a look around at our beautiful inventory. There is always something here you might want.
More good news! Layaways are welcome and our terms are easy. As long as you don’t miss a payment take as long as you like…up to a full 4 months to pay. If you cancel your layaway you’ll get a credit to be used to buy something else. Just remember….sorry, NO REFUNDS.